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Food & beverage
Food & beverage

The food industry consumes large amounts of water of various qualities for the production and processing of food and the preparation of beverages. Among other things, water is used as a basic raw material as well as for cleaning, cooling processes, sterilisation and pasteurisation, the production of products and electricity production. The specific quality requirements may differ for each application. The water can be produced from various sources, such as groundwater, surface water, tap water and waste water (water reuse). In the food industry, sustainable water use and reduction of the water footprint is an important aspect of production. Logisticon would be happy to help you tackle the challenges that this involves.

For years, Logisticon has been a reliable partner for the food industry and has supplied smart and mobile solutions that focus on water quality, quantity and operational reliability. It is important to identify the correct water quality for each application so that the most suitable source and technology can be selected. The right water in the right place produces TCO savings and as well as savings on the use of chemicals and energy.

Logisticon supplies high-quality and fully automated plug & play installations in line with the very latest technologies. Continuous availability, permanent 24/7 inspections and process technology support are just some of the smart solutions that Logisticon can offer to this demanding industry. Logisticon also has smart rental solutions that can be deployed (in the short or long term) by its rental fleet to support the industry with advice and assistance for production expansion, calamities, seasonal peaks or temporary supply in support of planned maintenance activities.

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